What a difficult year this has been for so many people. Sadly Cash and Logan lost their battle with old age which left a huge gap in the household. We have struggled to deliver classes but despite all the odds we were able to keep going with much reduced numbers. There are still many dogs and pups waiting for a class, we can only hope 2021 will improve and we can once again fill classes full.
For those still waiting we do have our online course available
We are trying our best to establish a date for resuming classes. Everything is ready, there is plenty room for social distancing, class sizes will be smaller to accomodate this. Please bear with us in these crazy times, safety for everyone is a priority.
The lovely Sandy recently passed away after battling cancer. For many years Sandy came to our advanced class and in his owner Janie's own words ' He always made everyone else look so good'. Sandy was a true comedian, hilarious, stubborn, cheeky and very much loved x
Sadly the outbreak of coronavirus has forced us to temporarily suspend classes in the Centre. We can however offer a fantastic online training programme. We have teamed up with the amazing Absolute Dogs and can now offer a fabulous training package all delivered online at a very affordable price using the same methods we use in class. Even better, once purchased the content is yours to keep for life. Please get in touch if you would like to find out more or have a look at our facebook page - St. Mirin Dog Training
In January this year we moved into our own premises. This has been a massive step and has dramatically changed the services we can offer. We have a fabulous treat and toy shop, an amazing refreshement area for clients to enjoy tea and coffee and sit and chat. Not forgetting a large, spacious training area. We have extended the variety of classes available. The venue is also available to hire for talks, meetings etc
Watch this space or the facebook page for updates on our new venue